Heartland Center for Reproductive Medicine

The Relationship Between Age and Male Infertility

Nov 15, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by HCRM
Tagged with: Male Infertility Ivf

For many women, age and fertility is a concern on the forefront of their minds. However, age can affect male fertility as well. Men should understand that, just as age increases the risk of infertility problems for women, it does the same for men. Fortunately, there are many fertility treatments that can assist patients in conceiving, despite fertility issues that may be present. For male infertility related to age, our Omaha, NE fertility specialists offer a number of treatment options that can address male infertility to give couples a greater chance of realizing their dreams of parenthood.

Age and Male Infertility

As a woman ages, she should be concerned about the quality of the eggs she is producing. Similarly, as a man ages, he should be concerned about the quality of his sperm. Statistics show that, as a man ages, sperm quality suffers and it becomes more difficult to conceive. These issues can affect couples even if the female is significantly younger. Below are some of the facts regarding male infertility and age:

All of these statistics show that men who wish to be fathers may want to discuss the issue with their partners sooner, rather than later. However, for those who do choose to wait, there are fertility treatments available if infertility becomes an issue.

Male Fertility Treatments

The fertility treatments offered by our doctors are not just geared toward addressing female infertility. There are several treatment options that aid patients in bypassing male infertility issues in order to successfully conceive. Below are some of the treatment options that may be considered for patients dealing with age-related male infertility:

Schedule an Appointment

Although age can affect male fertility, there is no reason for older men to give up on the idea of parenthood. The fertility specialists at Heartland Center for Reproductive Medicine, PC offer several fertility treatments that can address male infertility to improve a couple’s chances of becoming parents. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about these services.